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Peabody, Higgs Yard, Marketing Suite

Designing and styling the marketing suite at Peabody’s Higgs Yard development.

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Higgs Yard




Brixton, London

Date of completion

12th October 2023


Loughborough Junction took us by surprise on our site visit. The buzz from the local companies got us thinking about how we could promote them within the marketing suite. No more than 250 yards from the site, we found a microbrewery, a tap house and bar, a comedy music venue, a coffee shop, and various artists. After some workshops alongside Peabody, we opted for an illustration wall where we hand-picked companies to showcase their produce. This included Ed from Four Boroughs, Toby from Friendship Adventure, Oliver from Craft Metropolis, and Colin. We had all the styling and promotion assets we needed while supporting the community around us.

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The Brief

We were tasked with creating a marketing suite that considers the entire customer journey, from the first visit to the sale, to the collection of keys, and the buyers’ moving-in day.

The Execution

“Higgs Yard, to me, encapsulated the essence of bringing together Herne Hill, Loughborough Junction, and Brixton in a vibrant explosion of culture, color, influences, and design. As you’ll observe in the finished space, it embodies a deliberate collision of these elements, echoing my initial impressions from the very first site visit and the sensations I experienced in these diverse environments. My vision was for people to step into this space and be greeted by an explosion of patterns, textures, and local offerings. From the graffiti blockwork to the umbrellas suspended from the ceiling, from the reassuring presence of the Peabody brand to the inviting aroma of the coffee bike, every detail was meticulously curated to evoke a sense of comfort and excitement.” – Frankie Iannuzzi, Interim Head of Design

Marketing Suite